श्री श्री 1008
बाबा शंकर गिरी जी महाराज
आचार्य महंत माई महाराज
अध्यक्ष भारत माता सेवा
चेरिटेबल ट्रस्ट
(a)The Name of the Organization will be MAA CHHINNMASTIKA RAJRAPPA TRUST
(b)The Registered Office will be at Administrative Building Rajrappa Temple Premises,Ramgarh
To undertake Free Langar i.e free food for all and charitable and welfare activities for the Society without any distinction of caste and creed, with special emphasis on tourists,pilgrims, women and children. And beautification, development of Rajrappa temple and its premises or any other activities concerned with temple.
I. Preliminary eligibility criteria for membership: Every citizen, is eligible to become a member of the committee. The members will have voting rights and enjoy all facilities and privileges of the trust shall be given priority including concessions if any in all matters pertaining to hiring out/usage of facilities of the trust.
II.Important eligibility criteria for membership:
(i)The applicant should be an Indian
(ii)The applicant should have proof of residence
(iii)The applicant should not use tobacco or intoxicants in any form.
(iv)The applicant should have attained the age of 18 years as on the date of submitting of application for membership.
(v)The applicant should have been a domicile of Ramgarh for the previous five (5) years, as on the date of submitting of application for membership.
(vi)The applicant’s name should be proposed by two existing members mentioning their names and membership details..
(viii)The spouse of a member is eligible to become a member without the domicile clause, provided all other eligibility criteria are fulfilled.
III. Approval of Membership: The membership application should be approved and forwarded to the Election Co-ordination Committee for ratification within 30-days of the date of submission of the application
(i)Any person, who after attaining membership fails to comply with any one of the eligibility criteria mentioned in Article-3, automatically gets disqualified as a member of the trust. However, he is eligible to apply for membership again after meeting all the eligibility criteria as mentioned
in Article-3.
(ii)Any member, who is found to be working against the interests of the trust, will be liable for disqualification after following due process
(i)The cost of Application Form will be of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only).
(ii)The membership fees can be paid one time or annually. The one-time/ life-timefees will be Rs.11000/- (Rupees Eleven Thousand only). The annual fees will be Rs.1000/- (Rupees One
Thousand only) for One (1) calendar year or part thereof
(iii)The annual membership fees can be converted to one time by paying Rs.11000/- (Rupees Eleven Thousand only) on the date of conversion.
(iv)The Membership stands forfeited, if the annual fee is not paid (renewed) by the 31st March of every preceding year
(v)The membership is not transferable under any circumstances.
(vi)Duplicate membership card will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- only.
(vii)In case a member fails to renew his membership by the 31st March of the every preceding year, he will not be eligible to apply for re-membership. However his original membership will be renewed on payment of all the previous dues along with interest @ 24% per annum
(viii)The membership fees of one time and annual may be reviewed by the Executive Committee every two years and approval obtained from the General Body. However, the revised fees will be applicable to all the new life time and all annual members only.
(i)General Body (GB) (Members of the trust). GB which will consist of all life members and
annual members and will include
(1)MP- Hazaribag
(2)MLA- Ramgarh, Gomia, Mandu, Barkagaon
(3)Chairman- Zila Parishad Ramgarh
(4)GM- Rajrappa Area,CCL
(5)Pandas nominated by panda committee
(6)Pramukh Chitarpur
(7)Mukhiya of Hesapoda Gola
(8)Mukhiya of Bhuchungdih ,Chitarpur
(ii)Executive Committee (EC) (Elected Members).
The members of the General Body, who pay their subscription regularly, will elect Executive Committee members in the first general body meeting. The GB Members have the right to question the decisions of the Executive Committee, if the same are not in accordance with the Byelaws.
(i)The member of the Executive Committee shall be elected out of the regular members of the Trust. The Executive Committee will hold office for a period of two (2)years and would retire immediately after the Annual General Body Meeting of the trust for the Second (2nd) year of the Executive Committee’s term
(ii)The Annual General Body Meeting of the trust will be held on every third (3rd) Sunday of July, after giving due notice of 21-days to its members
(iii)The election of the Executive Committee of the trust shall be held on the Sunday following the second (2nd) Annual General Body Meeting. The date of election should also be announced while announcing the second (2nd) Annual General Body Meeting of the Committee’s term
(iv)The outgoing Executive Committee automatically stands dissolved on the 3rd Sunday of July of the Executive Committee’s 2nd year.
(v)Till the time the new Executive Committee takes over the charges the existing/ outgoing Executive Committee will take no major decisions, but will ensure smooth operation of the day to day affairs of the trust.
(vi)In case the existing/ outgoing Executive Committee does not convene the 2nd Annual General Body Meeting on the 3rd Sunday of July of its 2nd year and/or if they do not declare the date of elections, then the members of the ElectionCo-ordination Committee will convene the Annual General Body Meeting. The members present at the Annual General Body Meeting will nominate the person to chair the meeting and appoint a five (5) members Ad-hoc committee to ensure smooth operation of the day to day affairs of the trust. This Ad-hoc committee will also ensure the holding of the Executive Committee’s elections and convening the Annual General Body Meeting.
If any important matter requires decision or consultation, then not less than 2/3rd (two third) members of the General Body should write to the General Secretary to call for a meeting within 15-days of their requisition. If no notice is circulated by the General Secretary for a Special General Body Meeting, then these members would stand authorized to themselves call the meeting of the General Body. The Members present are authorized to nominate a member to chair the Special General Body Meeting. The decisions taken in the Special General Body Meeting will be binding to all the members including the Executive Committee members too.
(i)The Executive Committee will consist of Thirteen (13) Members & the composition of the
Executive Committee will be as follows i.e.: (a) President, (b) Vice-President,
(c) General Secretary, (d) Treasurer, (e) Joint Secretary, (f) plus Eight (8) Committee Members out of which two (2) are reserved for ladies. Note: The ladies can contest for elections to all the unreserved posts also.
(ii) The election for the Executive Committee will be held Post wise.
I. Term and eligibility of EC Members:
(i)The term of the Executive Committee will be for two (2) calendar years from the date of election.
(ii)Only members above the age of 25-years as on the date of announcement of Elections are eligible to serve on the Executive Committee.
(iii)Any member wishing to serve as the President or General Secretary of the trust should have served as an Executive Committee member for at least one (1) term.
(v)A Member elected as Vice-President/ General Secretary/ Joint Secretary/ Treasurer for three (3) terms continuously or separately can not be elected to the same post again. However, he/she can be elected to a different post as per the hierarchy. This limitation applies with retrospective effect. Members elected continuously for three(3) terms as committee members can be elected again after a break of one (1) term.
(vi)A member who has served as an Elected President for a period of three (3) terms either continuously or separately cannot again contest the elections for any post. This limitation too applies with retrospective effect.
II. Removal of EC Member/s:
If any member of the Executive Committee is found to be doing
an act, which is against the interests of the trust he/she can be removed in the following manner: –
(i)Two-Thirds members of the Executive Committee passing a resolution to this effect and there after;
(ii)By calling a special General body Meeting within 21-days of the resolution to consider and approve the resolution of the Executive Committee.
I. Formation of ECC:
(i)An Election Co-ordination Committee consisting of five (5) members will be constituted for conducting the election of the trust
(ii)This committee will be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the regular trust members in the first (1st) Annual General Body Meeting of the Executive Committee’s term and will hold office for (2) two years.
II. Duties of the ECC:
(i)To conduct free and fair elections as per the trust’s bye-laws.
(ii)To ratify the membership application approved and forwarded by the Executive Committee within 21-days.
(iii)To display the names of the member eligible to vote on the Notice Board by the 30thof April of the year and call for objections, if any within 30 days (i.e. 30th of May). To display the final Voters eligibility list by the 25th of June.
(iv)On all matter’s related to the election, the decision of the election committee is final and binding on all the trust members.
The Quorum of all the Executive Committee Meetings should not be less than 2/3rd (two
third)including office bearers. In the absence of the President & Vice-President the executive committee members are authorized to elect the Chairman out of the members present and in such cases the quorum should not be less than 51% including office bearers. The quorum of meeting of second meeting (i)Shall be 1/3 (ii) 51% of members present for passing any resolutions. e will be held Post wise.
(i)The funds of MAA CHHINNMASTIKA RAJRAPPA TRUST will be deposited in Fixed Deposits/ Current A/c. and/or Savings A/c in the nearest Nationalized Bank only. And the donations received in kind shall be deposited in the locker facility which will be availed in the
same bank.
(ii)The Accounts will be operated by the General Secretary and Treasurer of MAA
CHHINNMASTIKA RAJRAPPA TRUST after approval of the President.
(iii)The Treasurer is authorized to keep a maximum amount of (Rs.50.000/-) (Rupees Fifty Thousand only) as petty cash with him. All other cash will be deposited immediately in the Bank by Treasurer/Joint Treasurer.
The Bank Pass Book/s, Cheque Book/s and all other financial instruments of the trust will remain in the custody of the Treasurer/Joint Treasurer only
The Golak/ Donation Box will be opened on every Monday of the week in presence of the Secretary/Treasurer, two (2) executive committee members and at least two (2) members of trust. The whole amount so obtained will be deposited in the Bank immediately. In the absence of the Treasurer any member nominated by the Treasurer should be present to perform the duties.There shall be double key lockers for collection of donation in the temple
(i)All the monthly accounts of the Trust will be audited by the 10th of each month and full account will be read out to the members on the following Sunday. The Accounts will be put up on the Notice Board for the information of the members.
(ii)The annual accounts of the trust will be audited by the end of the every financial year by registered Chartered Accountant. The same to be got approved during the Annual General Meeting and must be submitted along with all the requirements at the offices of the concerned Governmental Authorities every year without fail; failing which, the then President, General Secretary & Treasurer will be held responsible and liable for penalties, including suspension of their membership from the trust for a period not exceeding one year.
The payment of the Bills due by the Trust will be paid on Mondays. The Treasurer must get all the Cheques/ Payment Vouchers signed by the competent authority .
Competent staff for all of official works shall be deputed by the executive Committee & the
payment towards remuneration shall be borne by the Trust.
All the donations & contributions given by any devotee on any occasion will be considered as donation to the trust.
Any complaint against the members of the trust should be brought to the notice of the General Secretary immediately.
The property of the Trust is not to be misused by any person/s for any individual gains.If any discrepancy will be found legal action will be initiated against the concerned.
The Executive Committee has no-powers to change any of the Bye-law of the Trust, unless the
intended changes are discussed and approved by the Special General Body with 2/3rd majority
A ledger/Cash book will be maintained of the equipment and valuables of Trust ,in duplicate, a copy will remain with the Office-In-Charge and a copy with the Secretary.
(i)To oversee the General Management of the Trust and be responsible for carrying out the objectives of the Trust.
(ii)To prepare a list of measurable objectives for the Executive Committee and make a plan to achieve it within his term.
(iii)To ensure and see that all the records and the valuables of the Trust are in order and are kept in the premises.
(iv)To chair all meetings of the Executive Committee and try to arrive at a consensus on all matters concerning the Trust, in case of no consensus to implement the majority decision.
(v)The President has a right to give a casting vote in case of a tie of vote in the Executive Committee meeting in any matter.
(vi)To ensure in coordination with the General Secretary that all the Executive Committee decisions are implemented.
(vii)The President should be available at least twice a week for a period of 2-hours each in the Trust office.
(i)To assist the President in his duties.
(ii)To Exercise the powers of President in his absence and remain responsible for his duties.
(iii)The Vice-President will be primarily responsible for the langar (community kitchen) management. A five (5) member langar committee including the Vice-President will be formed by the Executive Committee to assist in the langar management. The Vice-President will be the chairman of the langar committee.
(iv)To maintain an inventory of the langar stocks, provisions, groceries etc. and be responsible for the same.
(i)With the permission of the president to call a meeting of the Executive Committee when necessary.
(ii)To place before the meeting the necessary agenda, to read out the minutes of the previous meeting and get it signed by the President and other Executive Committee members are signaling approval.
(iii)To ensure timely compliance of all statutory requirements such as renewal of registration, submission of papers, balance sheets etc.
(iv)To keep all the records of the Trust in proper order and keep the same in safe custody.
(v)To do all the correspondence pertaining to the Trust matters.
(vi)To ensure in coordination with the President that all Executive Committee decisions are implemented.
(i)To assist the General Secretary in his duties.
(ii)To perform the duties of the General Secretary in his absence.
(iii)To overlook functioning of the Yatri Nivas. To ensure that nobody stays in Yatri Nivas for more than (7) seven days at a stretch.
(iv)To keep an inventory of the Trust property and be responsible for the same with exception of Langar and valuables in the custody of the Treasurer.
(v)To be responsible for the maintenance and cleanliness of the TEMPLE premises.
(i)To keep the keys of the donation box (Golak) with him.
(ii)To open the Golak every Monday in the presence of at least three(3) Executive Committee members and two (2) TRUST Members as nominated by the competent authority and deposit the same in the Bank immediately.
(iii)To prepare monthly accounts get it signed by the President & General Secretary and display it on the Notice Board for the perusal of the members.
(iv)To present the Annual Capital and Revenue Budget of the TRUST as approved by the Executive Committee.
(v)To ensure proper issue of receipts of all moneys/ donations received by the TRUST.
(vi)To have the final Accounts of the TRUST prepared and get the same duly audited by statutory Auditors and co-ordinate with the statutory Financial Authorities
(i)The Internal Auditor of the TRUST will be proposed and approved by the TRUST Members at the Annual General Body Meeting. The Internal Auditor has to check the monthly accounts of the TRUST by the 10th day of every preceding month.
(ii)The Statutory External Auditor/s will be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the TRUST Members during the Annual General Body Meeting. The Statutory External Auditors has to check the annual accounts of the TRUST by the end of the every preceding year.
All existing infrastructure/management cash and kind shall be taken over after the registration of the Trust.All day to day activities and expenses shall be done from the funds collected /received from the government/public for the same.Inventory of the donations done in kind shall be maintained in documents .
Any expenses done from the trust fund shall have the prior approval of President or his authorized representative or competent authority.
Any disputes arising shall be subjected to the Jurisdiction of Civil Court,Ramgarh